Green NEO Gas CNG Daughter Station

Green NEO Gas CNG Daughter Station Product details

Green NEO Gas CNG Daughter Station Product by:
Affinitas Pte Ltd

Green Neogas was established in 2001 and specializes in the distribution of Natural Gas for both high pressure (NGV station) and lower pressure (industrial and city gate) end users.

It provides solutions to costumer who do not have, or may never have access to the gas pipeline and as such the gas is compressed into high pressure storage cylindered via trailers.

It is a leading supplier of NGV daughter station technology worldwide.

Using its pretend technology for the delivery of CNG, 95% of the natural gas is able to be delivered off the trailer at a competitors (measured as kilograms or normal cubic metres of gas delivered per kilowatt hour) and delivers cooler gas to the vehicle as the gas is not decanted and then recompressed on site.

The new system is known as the FPA (Fluid Power Accelerator) and is available in models capable of delivering 1,200 Nm up to 3,600 Nm³ of gas per hour and this will be manufactured in their new Houston facilities.

In addition, Green NEO Gas also provides solutions for the delivery of natural gas to industrial users via pressure reduction systems.

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