Pt. United Adventures

Pt. United Adventures info, products & news

United Adventures was formed in 2006.  Currently, United Adventures is focused on arranging eco-adventure tours across the archipelago and working with innovative organizations towards reaching their potential and manifesting their visions. Our pilot project is Pulau Macan resort in the thousand island, Indonesia.


Eco Resort

Why we are a green organisation

We believe in a way of living that is in harmony with Mother Nature. Our pilot project is Pulau Macan. Here we apply eco friendly and green policies such as solar panel to conserve energy, usage of driftwood and ex deck wood for furniture, water waste garden ( a system to “recycle” waste water, filter it and use it for other things such as watering garden), make use of our botanical garden as one of the organic food source,

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Pt. United Adventures Products

1 listed

Akhir Pekan di Pulau Macan Akhir Pekan di Pulau Macan

Pulau Macan, tempat di mana anda dapat mengalami liburan akhir pekan yang spektakuler dengan nyaman dan santai. ... more »

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