Sustainable Xypex Admix C-5000

Sustainable Xypex Admix C-5000 Product details

Sustainable Xypex Admix C-5000 Product by:
Concrete Waterproofing Manufacturing Pty Ltd T/a Xypex Australia

Sustainable XYPEX ADMIX C-5000 is a distinctive chemical treatment that has been specially made to enhance the durability of reinforced concrete exposed to aggressive conditions. It is added to the concrete mix at the time of batching.

It is a powdered additive consisting of Portland eco cement and various active proprietary Chemicals. These active natural chemicals react with the moisture in fresh concrete and the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction which generates a non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete.

The reaction products of Sustainable Xypex Admix C-5000 are in mineral crystal form and prevent the penetration of deleterious ions into ordinary Portland eco cement concrete, fly ash concrete and slag eco cement concrete with equal effect.

This Sustainable Product is recommended for reinforced concrete whether poured-in-place, pre-cast, pre-stressed, post-tensioned or shotcrete that is subjected to aggressive environments.

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