Save Energy and Low Cost Diesel Flat Die Pellet Mill

Save Energy and Low Cost Diesel Flat Die Pellet Mill Product details

Save Energy and Low Cost Diesel Flat Die Pellet Mill Product by:
Amisy Flat Die Pellet Mill

Diesel Flat Die Pellet Mill Application is made for small-scale business and home use. Can be used to press feed pellets for animal like rabbits, dogs, cats, cattle. The ingredient can be various upon different nutritional needs.

Diesel pellet mill is suitable for biomass pellets production which can be used to stove, boiler for warmth in winter. 

Biomass pellets: straw, alfalfa, wood waste, cornstalks, cardboard, grass, leaves, clippings, rice husks, branches, wood shavings, sawdust, etc.

Feed pellets: Animal feed was a product of materials such as alfalfa, grain and oil cake.

Moisture content of material: 14% - 18%

Material size: less than 5mm

Diesel easy to get among all the fossil fuels, diesel is the most easily available one around the world. You can find it almost everywhere.

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