Environment and Development Systematic Studies

Environment and Development Systematic Studies Product details

Environment and Development Systematic Studies Product by:
China Council For International Cooperation On Environment And Development (cciced)

CCCIED, International high-level advisory body established with the approval of the Chinese Government over two decades ago, CCCIED has played an unique role in the progress of sustainable development by proposing policy recommendations in the field of environment and development based on thorough and systematic studies.

Since its foundation, the international communities have provided sustained support to the activities of CCCIED. Foreign governments such as Canada, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Japan, The Netherlands, Italy, Australia, France, Denmark and EU, and international Organisation, NGOs and transnational corporations including UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, WWF, Environmental Defense Fund, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation, the Energy Foundation, Shell Company, and the University of Hongkong have provided financial support to CCCIED in various ways.

We welcome your continuous attention to the ecological civilisation and environmental protection cause of China and making more valuable recommendations to the Chinese government to improve these important works.

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