Tpassion Ltd

Tpassion Ltd info, products & news

TPassion is an eco-conscious cotton apparel manufacturer based in Hong Kong. Passionate for people, passionate for creativity, passionate for education, and supported by a well-founded knowledge in garment manufacturing, TPassion Ltd reflects the reality of a shared dream. Established by two entrepreneurial brothers in March 2007, TPassion has developed a youthful and energetic company culture that is coupled by a steadfast commitment for quality and continued sustainable growth in China, Japan, Europe and other South-East Asian markets.


Circular knit, cut and sewn garments

Why we are a green organisation

At TPassion we place respect for people as a core value and have pro-actively engaged with our workers and community since our foundation in 2007. Furthermore, we recognise our social responsibility to protect and preserve the environment and seek to develop a sustainable business that incorporates environmental concerns into our operational decision making.

Our aim is to develope the model factory for Hong Kong garment manufacturing. Organic production plays an integral factor in our sustainability strategy and is heavily integrated into our internal green policies. This has seen TPassion become:

- One of Hong Kong’s first certified organic garment manufacturers,

- Building a platform for the designers & brand building;

- Strong participators in the Mecilla Organic Farm Project;

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Tpassion Ltd Products

1 listed

Organic Farming and Manufacturing Organic Farming and Manufacturing

TPASSION provides garment manufacturing, custom printing and fulfilment services from our downtown Hong Kong factory. TPASSION cuts, sews and prints all garments ... more »

  • Sustainable Agriculture –
  • Sustainable Agriculture –
  • Environmentally-friendly Farming
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