Pt Aicon Global Indonesia

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Established in 2010, AICÓN is a consulting company that  promotes and encourages the implementation of sustainable development principles and concept in various organizations through a strategic sustainability management in Indonesia. With two major guidelines in the world, the ISO 26000 and GRI, as our major sustainability compasses, we support our clients embedding ethical groundwork in their organizations, integrating sustainability practices into all their organizational elements, as well as creating change towards sustainability values for their businesses.

“We believe in sustainability through natural perpetuation and prosperity generation for all…”

Our Vision is “To be the world class company that continuously encourages the creation of wealth and preservation of natural environment through innovation and strategic implementation of the sustainable development principles in the business sectors and other areas”

Here are our Mission Statements;

1.       Create innovations for applying the sustainable development concept to be used by the stakeholders.

2.       Urge strategic integration of the principles of social and environmental responsibility in the business sectors.

3.       Encourage the business practitioners in developing social capital in line with the sustainable development goals.

4.       Promote the principles of social and environmental responsibility as well as the economic empowerment to the stakeholders at large.

5.       Commit the organizational and individual development in the strategic management on the sustainable development issues.

In order to perform our missions, AICÓN develops five core service brands. They are;

AICÓN Learn emphasizes on various learning programs, such as training, workshop, seminar, and capacity building, for the clients who want to improve their knowledge and skills in managing sustainable development issues. The learning themes can cover particular social and environmental responsibility initiatives as well as comprehensive topics on sustainable development.

AICÓN Coach is designed for the clients that need consultation, coaching, executive search, and brokerage in managing, implementing and integrating social and environment responsibility initiatives strategically in their organizations. The purpose of this core service is to help the clients to improve the initiatives while maintaining the appropriate efficient level of use of resources for the implementation.

AICÓN Research underlines the fulfillment of data and information requirements for the strategic development of social and environment responsibility initiatives at the initial, intermediate and advance level through research, assessment, evaluation, study analysis, and social mapping. This core service also serves the clients’ purpose to measure the improvement and to generate strategic innovation on sustainable development issues suitable to their organizations.

AICÓN Comm. highlights the need of clients to communicate sustainable development issues and sustainability performance as well as their social capital to the stakeholders and society at large through reporting and other communication mechanisms. This is the core service that can help the clients to improve and maintain good relationship with the stakeholders.

AICÓN Tools is developed for the clients that already carry out social and environmental responsibility initiatives and want to elevate their organizational systems heading for strategic sustainability management. Methods for the clients can be designed in accordance to their needs and organizational characteristics.



Consulting services on strategic sustainability management, incl.; coaching, workshop/training, management system, research, and develop sustainability report

Why we are a green organisation

As a consulting company that promotes sustainable development, we do not implement eco-friendly equipments because our works are not related much with machines and tools. Instead, we consider ethics and environmental issues in making decisions and our practices. For example, we decided to use glasses rather than gypsum to let the sun light coming in and to reduce the use of electricity. We also prefer to work using notebooks rather than personal computers to reduce working space and electricity usage as well as to improve flexibility.

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Pt Aicon Global Indonesia Products

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Solusi Kebutuhan Usaha Anda Solusi Kebutuhan Usaha Anda

PT Aicon Global Indonesia merupakan penyedia jasa konsultasi tenaga ahli dalam bidang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, laporan berkelanjutan, ISO 26000, AMDAL ... more »

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